July 2017
New Firearms Laws (as of 1st July 2017)
SAPOL are cracking down on all firearms owners as the new Firearms Act & Regulations have come into force since July 1 2017.
You can expect more random firearms audits. Police can turn up at your home, unannounced, at any time to check that you are complying with the conditions of your licence. This includes firearms storage, ammunition storage, & anything else to do with your licence. They will use ANY excuse to cancel your licence & seize your guns. Ensure you are compliant at ALL TIMES. It will only take one small mistake to lose the lot!
A TVPC member left two 12g shotgun rounds out of his safe. Police visited, found them, & he was charged with “failure to correctly store ammunition”. All his guns taken, licence cancelled on the spot.
Make sure this can’t happen to you. Be vigilant at all times.
TVPC 2017 AGM –Sunday 30th July
The AGM will be held on Sunday July 30. Trophy presentation, yummy BBQ lunch, & a brief, interesting & vital meeting to follow. If you have been to them before, you will know they are not long, boring or dull. Just the important stuff without waffling. Try & make an effort to be there. It’s YOUR club! If you have something to say, this is the time to do it.
Before the meeting, Peter Ellery has offered to run a Tactical Rifle Rimfire Match. Anyone is welcome to participate. All you need is a scoped, repeating (bolt, lever, etc) .22 rifle, & at least one 10 shot mag, & 100 rds. A bipod &/or sandbag would help, but is not essential. The match involves timed shooting of steel gongs at varying distances. Sounds like fun? You bet. Come & have a go, or just spectate.
Match starts at 9.30 so we can finish before lunch.
Membership Renewals (September 30th)
Membership renewals will be due BEFORE September 30. As per the new regulations, SAPOL Firearms Branch will be notified of UNFINANCIAL members on 1 October. This means, if you have not paid by the due date, you are NOT a financial member of a pistol club. You will not meet the conditions of your licence, & it will be CANCELLED
You can then expect an unpleasant visit from the Police.
Make sure you pay your membership fees on time. SAPOL do not accept excuses!
Change of Personal Details
This may seem obvious or common sense but it has caused issues for the club in the past. If you change address, email address or any details that you were required to disclose during the joining of our club, then it is important to make sure that you update these details as soon as possible.
For example, if you change addresses and you don’t receive your club membership renewal and don’t pay on time, that is on you and TVPC will report you as un-financial to SAPOL as required by Law.
SAPOL Inspections
SAPOL are also conducting random, unannounced range visits & inspections. Be aware Police could turn up at any time, in plain clothes, & observe you & your actions. Act accordingly, that is, as if someone is watching at any time you are at the club. Pay attention to your firearm control & security. Never leave a firearm unattended. If you leave a firearm in plain sight in your car, expect trouble.
Watch others, & if you see a potential problem, speak up. You may save someone a lot of grief! Also, if someone mentions something to you, take it as helpful advice, not criticism. We are all here to help each other.